Friday, April 22, 2011

Escargot Bourguignon

Quick and delicious Escargot recipe. Can't go wrong with the step by step pictures, check it out!


- 4 1/2oz escargots. Large snails would be about a dozen.
-1 table spoon fine chopped shallots
-1 tea spoon minced garlic
-1 table spoon chopped parsley
-3 table spons butter
-Kosher salt
-A dozen snail shells (optional)

Few utensils that help serving escargots:

A baking sheet.

Snail tong and fork.

Here's a close up on the snail can.
And the shells. All from

Boil the shells for 3 minutes.
Drain the can and wash the snails in cold water.

Fine chop the shallots
Combine the butter, garlic, shallots, parsley and a dash of salt.

Let the shells cool, drain completely, then stuff each with a snail. If you don't have the shells, that is fine, just lay each snail on a baking sheet and top each with some butter mix.
And close it with the butter mix.

Bake at 450F for 5 to 10min and voila'.

Can't get better than that!

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