Thursday, February 18, 2016


First time cooking this Spanish dish. Lots of online research which indicated the recipe can vary widely across different areas of Spain. Anyways, collected as much info as possible and built my own recipe.
-1 lb deboned chicken thighs, chopped
-1 lb chopped pork tenderloin
-1 lb home made chorizo, chopped
-1 lb blood home made chorizo, chopped
-1 lb large prawns
-1 lb fresh mussels
-2 fresh pimentos
-1/2 yellow bell pepper
-1/2 red bell pepper
-1 cup green peas
-1 cup green beans, chopped
-2 cups fresh chopped tomatoes
-1 cup tomato sauce
-1 qt chicken broth
-2 Table Spoon paprika
-1 Table spoon ground black pepper
-1 tea spoon ground thyme
-1 cup Chardonnay
-4 cups short grain rice
-3 cloves of garlic, minced
-3 Table Spoons olive oil
-1 large onion, chopped
-1 cup chopped fresh parsley
-0.2 grams real saffron
-3 bay leaves
-Salt to taste

Basic sequence of preparation is shown in the photos below.

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